Creating Your Own Sunshine
It Was Christmas Season & The Year Was 2020.
The inspiration for this blog was born from what I can only describe as the deepest and darkest pits of despair, during a period that most would readily describe as the most wonderful time of the year. The end of 2020, the year of the great Coronatine, also the year of great loss and turmoil for many (myself personally included).
I Had Lost My Sunshine.
I'd often find myself referring to this year as the year I lost everything, in an uncharacteristic melancholy and morose manner. But more about that later, for now lets take a trip even farther back in time.
I'm About To Share Something I've Never Told A Single Soul Before.
As a little girl and even into adulthood, the thing I would wish for most often... was happiness.
Birthday Candles
Wishing Wells
Shooting Stars
But I Believe I Was Meant To Keep It To Myself, Until Now.
I'm not kidding when I tell you, I have never told anyone in my life up until this moment. (Because if you tell a wish it won't come true?!)
But my moment has come and I'm ready to take that plunge, once and for all. Fellow humans, engaged readers, the secret is now out. My lifelong mission and goal in life has been to simply, be happy.
And ultimately, isn't that all it ever really boils down to for everyone and anyone at the end of the day?
Your Childhood Aspirations Are Sometimes Your Most Powerful Source Of Motivation.
Over the years I've learned and discovered ways to help people (myself especially!), develop healthy habits, establish routines and reframe thinking. All in order to be the best versions of themselves.
It's clear to me now that my lifelong yearning has been to be healthy in body and mind.
Because deep down I knew that true happiness would be found there. This in part is what it means to me, to create your own sunshine.
I Come To You Not With A One Size Fits All Approach.
Because ultimately you are the author of your own fate, mental state, whatever you want to call it. My intention with Nanala Cove is to invite you to join me on my journey in my pursuit of happiness, of making my best life, being the best version of myself. Creating my own sunshine, if you will. I'll share with you what I've learned so far, what I'm currently learning, and what you can do to make your own rainbows and butterflies.
I Believe Everyone Is Capable Of Being Their Best Selves.
Regardless of where you're at in your own personal journey, I created my Sunshine Workbook to serve as a guide along the way. In it, you'll learn all the ways I was able to pull myself out of my own deepest pits of despair. You'll feel less anxiety, more vision for your life, and discover a newfound sense of gratitude and peace for all the things you already possess. Because you deserve to uncover just how much potential you truly have. Click here to get your copy today!
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